Help us reach our goal
Our immigrant neighbors are struggling. Despite paying taxes, millions of them have been left out of COVID-19 federal relief efforts. It’s up to the rest of us to help them when the federal government will not.
Your donation will go directly to those who need it most. They can use their $500 grant for groceries, rent, bills, medical care, or whatever needs they prioritize. Thank you for your generous donation and for caring for those who need our help during this crisis.
Your donation is tax-deductible.
About The Immigrant Neighbor Fund
During the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s gross inequities and injustices have been laid bare: income inequality, health disparities, and racism. Despite the fact that the working poor and undocumented workers of color are disproportionately Latinx and Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI), and are often at the front lines as essential workers, they have been grossly left out of CARES Act relief measures. The Immigrant Neighbor Fund led by the Voto Latino Foundation, in partnership with Mission Asset Fund and APIA Vote, is an effort to show solidarity between these two communities in times of crisis and help provide needed relief.
The CARES Act omits 20 percent of Latinx workers because they do not have a social security number. Similar impact is faced in the AAPI community where nearly 1.7 million are undocumented. While the undocumented community contributes $27 billion in annual taxes to federal and state governments, they are cut out of the CARES Act.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where do I mail my check?
A: Please see the Immigrant Neighbor Fund donations page which details how to donate online, by mail or by ACH wire transfer from your bank.
Q: Could you send me a phone number to call and make a credit card donation?
A: Please see the Immigrant Neighbor Fund donations page which details how to donate online, by mail or by ACH wire transfer from your bank.
Q: How can I be certain that the money I donate will go directly to the people in need that the Immigrant Neighbor Fund was established to assist financially?
A: The Immigrant Neighbor Fund unites two American communities under duress to raise both awareness of and necessary resources for those most in need. The Initiative aims to raise $4 million dollars that will go directly into the pockets of low-income individuals left out of the CARES Act. Individual applicants will receive $500 each that they can use for basic necessities such as food and rent. To maximize relief to these immigrant and low-income communities, all program partners have pledged to waive their operating costs.
Individuals will learn about Immigrant Neighbor Fund through Voto Latino’s and APIA’s networks and earned media. Individuals will visit ImmigrantNeighborFund.com and proceed, via a direct link, to the application process. In order to qualify, individuals must not be eligible for federal relief under the CARES Act. Mission Asset Fund will manage application intake from beginning to end. Voto Latino Foundation will be charged with receiving funds and then disbursing the funds to Mission Asset Fund who will be responsible for then distributing the $500 disbursements to individuals.
Based on the Initiative’s $4 million fundraising goal, each qualified person, for a projected total 8,000 individuals, will receive $500 within 72 hours after having applied. More than one qualifying member per family can apply to the Immigrant Neighbor Fund. The funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
Voto Latino Foundation, APIAVote, and Mission Asset Fund are committed to providing the maximum relief possible to these members of our communities. Each organization has pledged to waive its operational costs for this one-time effort.
Q: Is my contribution tax-deductible?
A: All contributions to the Immigrant Neighbor Fund are tax-deductible.
Q: How do I know if my contribution has been received?
A: Online donations: You will receive an email receipt from ActBlue.
Check donation by mail: Voto Latino Foundation will mail a receipt to you.
ACH wire transfer: You will receive confirmation of your wire transfer from your bank as well as an acknowledgement letter from Voto Latino Foundation.
Q: How can I indicate that I want to have my donation go to assist a person(s) in a specific community, for example, Latino or Asian American Pacific Islander?
A: Because the aim of the Fund is to assist as many people as possible as quickly as possible, eligible applicants receive checks on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, it is not possible to designate a donation for a specific community, i.e., Latino or Asian American Pacific Islander.
Note: Once the $4 million Immigrant Neighbor Fund (Fund) goal is reached and all funds raised have been distributed, there will be a report on Fund results.
The Immigrant Neighbor Fund is already helping
I have three kids, my work laid me off because of this pandemic. I don’t have money to even pay my rent that is my more important than money that l owe right now. Our lease of the apartment is under somebody else’s name and because of that we don’t qualify for rent relief. We already owe two months (April, and May) we don’t have anybody else who can help us. I can’t apply to any government help because we don’t have a social security and also I am under process of deportation. I feel so lost. I don’t want to lose the only place that I have for my kids. We never were late on any bill and now I owe everything. I called several shelters that maybe can receive us but they are all closed. I want to take opportunity to say thanks to you. Our family never needed in this situation, we feel so lost, but when I was applying through this application I feel the hope. Thanks so much for that.
Mayra H. -
Me impactó mucho como padre de familia por que soy quien responde por mis hijos y siento mucha impotencia no poder aplicar ayudas solo por que no tenemos un numero social y nos ponen en muchas desventajas y con mis niños pequeños siento mucha impotencia el saber que la comida y el techo no está seguro en estos momentos. Si tuviera esta ayuda compraría mi despensa y tendría alivio por que podría agregar un poco para ajustar mi renta ya que tampoco tenemos derecho de tener un poco de tiempo para poder reunir el dinero y tener un techo seguro.
Jorge L. -
A raíz de esta pandemia mis horas de trabajo se han visto disminuidas a menos de 40 horas mensuales, con lo cual mi sueldo no me alcanza para pagar los servicios, arriendo y alimento para mi y mi grupo familiar. Consideró personalmente que este tipo de iniciativa ayuda a paliar un poco la difícil situación que están viviendo muchos inmigrantes que al igual que yo se ven afectados por la crisis del Covid 19, y que lamentablemente no somos tomados en cuenta para ningún otro beneficio por parte del estado.
Jorge R. -
This outbreak has caused me a lot of stress not just to me but my family affecting us physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is stressful not knowing what is going to happen, if me and my wife are going to be able to continue to work. It is getting harder and harder to get what we need from the store, prices are going up especially on meat and it is getting hard to find. The coronavirus went through our household as well where we were very, very sick. My wife was the sickest and still is not completely better which causes more worry to me. I have to be able to provide for my family and be strong for them. This outbreak not only is affecting our life now but it will be affecting our future also not knowing if we can go back to see our family also. This money would be very helpful to us because we did not get the stimulus money like everyone else did. We have gotten no relief or help. Anything would be a great blessing to us.
Bonifacio M. -
Receiving an Immigrant Family Grant is very important, for me and my family, because it represents an economic relief against this Coronavirus crisis (COVID-19) in which unfortunately, many immigrant families were impacted, as well as the vast majority of families across the nation, but at the same time we were excluded from the federal benefit. This financial support means a respite from the uncertainty of how large the financial responsibility we may accumulate may be on the day the economy opens and we return to our normal routine
Abraham G. -
Pues yo creo que esta pandemia nos está afectando a todos en el mundo pero por desgracia a diferencia de otras personas algunos no contamos con la ayuda del gobierno. Estamos pasando por mucho temor a que nos dejen sin hogar porque por el momento hemos podido sobrevivir por este tiempo con los pocos ahorros que teníamos. Pero aun así tenemos que pagar renta y los trastos de luz y agua así como nuestros alimentos básicos.
Arturo A. -
Me a afectado mucho porque debido a eso me he quedado sin trabajo, y nos está siendo muy difícil pagar las cuentas de seguro del carro, teléfono, luz y gas, seguro médico de mis hijos, por ahora yo no tengo seguro médico, también tenemos que pagar las unidades de la universidad de mi hijo la renta por mencionar algunas cosas que necesitamos pagar. Por lo único que no nos tenemos que preocupar tanto es por los alimentos, ya que hemos recibido comida gratuita de parte de las donaciones de las escuelas. Mi hijo tenía un trabajo de medio tiempo pero también se ha quedado sin trabajo y tampoco califica para el estímulo económico federal. Así que si realmente nos ha afectado de muchas maneras esta pandemia. Es muy importante y sería de mucha ayuda si lo recibimos, ya que con esto podríamos pagar algunas cosas que no podemos en este momento como el seguro médico.
Rosalino L. -
I have been in a tough situation since this epidemic. I have been in a shelter for the last few months and now that everything has come to a standstill it has been harder for me to provide for my family. I have two beautiful boys and I hope that with a little help that I can continue to take care of my household. I want to make sure that I can continue to be a wonderful mother and able to take care of my children.
Andressa N. -
En lo financiero fue totalmente devastador. No estábamos preparados para algo así. En lo físico y en cuanto a salud ha sido también un tanto aterrador el no saber cuánto va a durar todo esto. Mis hijos son pequeños y todos los días nos preguntan que cuando esto terminará, que cuando volverán a ver a sus amiguitos de la escuela. Han sido unos meses muy estresantes. Esta ayuda financiera nos ayudará muchísimo para poder pagar los bills y comprar alimentos mientras vuelvo a trabajar. En realidad siento mucha pena por molestar y por tener que pedir esta ayuda porque se que hay personas en la misma necesidad, pero también sé que algún día lo podré reponer de alguna u otra manera a otras personas que en su momento lo necesiten. Gracias a todos ustedes por hacer cosas tan bondadosas como estas.
Irving C.